Sitting on the picturesque waterfront and. At age 42, Rita MacNeil won the Juno Award for Most Promising Female Vocalist. She is upfront about her weight and its effect on her career, and she devotes a chapter to the music businesss obsession with image, especially for women. has been repurposed as a three-unit Airbnb rental dubbed Rita’s Retreat. And for 35 years, starting in 1948, Ramonas late husband Brady was the.

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Living a life with no regrets is hard in this day and age.Soon I will be 65 I got to live in southern California and saw many rock acts for about $5.00 and usually I was on a date and it was my dates $5.00.I dated people who worked for the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union and the Union Tribune in San Diego, California got to go to many many concerts and my friends interviewed many up and coming artists, Elton John was very interesting, so was Sonny & Cher, but Santana beat them all at the Ventura County Fair grounds.$5.00 entrance fee, free to me with my boyfriend from the LA Times, we listened to him jam for hours, my boyfriend never paid for most concerts, he interviewed many, if they had no manners I got really upset, manners to me matter a lot.Never married any of the boy and friends, married a square guy who loved and loves the movies we go all the time or Netflix, and our only child a beautiful girl works in the film industry, she sends us movies all the time, mostly independent films which to me are better than most blockbusters, they turn into blockbusters because so many go to them.She goes to Sundance in Utah and met Robert Redford who she says is rather shy, but he was a peach to her with his gal pal, sent me tons of dvd's of his movies and wanted her still to work for his Sundance company, we shall see.Love your blog, don't regret anything in life, life is too short, the jewish people always say at funerals, good memories, have good memories and we had good memories of the decedent.ciao Reply Delete She was predeceased by her husband, John Angus daughter, Margaret Elizabeth in infancy sisters, Katie, Margaret, Cecelia, Marie, Mary Lucy, Josie, and.